
Sunday, December 5, 2010

Meet Jason Mecier

Remember when you or your child brought home one of your first art projects from school that was made out of macaroni noodles that were glued to colored paper? Remember how proud you felt of that piece?

Meet a guy, Jason Mecier, who has taken it to the next step. He is a mosaic portrait artist, and not only does he use macaroni noodles, but also dried beans, gum wrappers, empty bottles, and just about anything else he can get his hands on. And it really is art. Seriously.

Here is a recent portrait he did of Tina Fey. The photo is extra large so you can see all the different items he used to fill the portrait such as Netflix, TV Guide, cell phone, mouse, yellow pages, etc. The more you look, the more you find.

Here's another one of his works.  Remember this famous poster of Farrah Fawcett?

I know that beauty/art is in the eye of the beholder, but this guy has to have some talent to begin with! I know I wouldn't have the vision to be able to do this!

Watch this short clip to learn more about Jason Mecier.

Visit his website. It is a lot of fun! He has portraits made from pills, food, and junk. Visit his "junk drawers" to see the celebrity portraits. You will just be amazed at his work!


  1. Amazing! You know I love art, I will so have to check him out. Brilliant;)

  2. Wow! This guy is amazing. Interesting to see just how three dimensional the work is when you watch the video. Thanks for telling us about Jason Mecier!

  3. HOW COOL!! Some one's trash is some one else's treasure and he sure brings this to life!!
    These are awesome! Thanks for sharing!

  4. this guy is amazing! love what he can do with "junk"!

  5. That is really amazing and different!

  6. I LOVE this guy!! How original is he!! As always I appreciate the snipits and introduction to life's wonders, which you always so generously share with us!!

  7. Amazing. but a little creepy. I wonder what Tina thinks of that work of art? Still amazing.

  8. this is very cool, need to go find some junk and see what I can make.

  9. The first one is incredible. I liked it better than the one of Farrah Fawcett. I'd love to have a go at using junk this way but I know I'd make a mess of it (unintentional pun)

  10. That's really cool. I wouldn't know where to begin eventhough I have a lot of junk!
    ☼ Sunny

  11. Pat, this is so cool! You always find the coolest stuff! I showed one of my friends in Oregon that Lego dude from a previous post. One of my first projects in a sculpture class was making things out of cardboard. It is surprising how creative one can be with just a few simple items! There's a pretty famous cardboard sculpturist whose name escapes me presently...
    Anywhoooo, hope you are doing well and enjoying some semi- permanence in AZ.

  12. I love this! It is just too cool!

  13. One man's trash ...... another man's portrait? Hmmmmmmm, what could I do with diet coke bottles? He who drinks it exclusively and the plastic bottles are piling up as they wait for the plastic guy to pick them up.


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