
Sunday, November 7, 2010

Sunday Bridges - Samson of the Cimarron

This is the Samson of the Cimarron, a 1,269 foot railroad bridge that spans the Cimarron River, located 13 miles north of Liberal, Kansas. It was built in 1939, replacing 3.5 miles of curves and areas of frequent flooding, by raising the tracks 113 feet above the riverbed. This bridge was considered an engineering marvel of its day.

For more Sunday bridges, visit Louis La Vache


  1. very cool! i've never seen that bridge before.

  2. nice. grew up by a railroad so love these old bridges...and miss the thunder as it rolls by...

  3. and took about 3 miles off the journey! great engineering.

  4. Amazing feat of engineering...wonder if it was one of the jobs they made to employee people during the Great Depression.

  5. Old bridges seem to be my weakness for some reason. I love your photos!
    Thanks for sharing it Pat. :)

    B xx

  6. An amazing structure! I might never have seen it had you not posted this photo. thanks.

  7. I love bridges, you have seen some great ones:)

  8. something so beautiful and haunting about bridges.

  9. I love bridges but I don't like to be on them or under them! I know I'm weird! LOL
    Glad the picture arrived and you like it :)
    ☼ Sunny

  10. A marvel in its day and still an amazing sight today.

  11. It's seems to me all bridges are marvels, and this is a marvelous addition to Sunday Bridges.

  12. Seems a lot of people like bridges, me included. Nice post, Pat.

  13. Bridges are cool, they always amaze me. The really really old one are so cool. Like the ones back in the 1400's, when they didnt have the machines we have today.

  14. Great looking structure, old bridges like that one are fascinating to me.

    Thanks for the nice comment on my header photo. I will be showing more photos of that scene later in the week.


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