
Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!

Whether you are spending Thanksgiving with your family, friends, or lucky enough to combine them, take time to count your blessings beginning with those who surround you.

I want to thank all of you who follow my blog, who comment, and even those who are silent but peek in to see what's happening! I appreciate each and every one of you!


  1. Have a wonderful day my friend :)


  2. happy thanksgiving! hope you are triptiphaned into an incredible nap...

  3. Thanks for the fun! And my fun is NOT cooking this weekend. We have been invited elsewhere to be with family. What a blessing!

  4. Have a happy and blessed Thanksgiving, Pat!

  5. 'is that a pop-up timer...'
    That's so funny, Pat.

    I hope your Thanksgiving Day was peaceful and happy.

  6. Love your cartoons Pat,especially the first one that says "Do you work for the TSA" hahahahaha!

    Hope you had a wonderful thanks giving day.We all have much to be thankful for.

  7. On Thanksgiving I want to reflect on how thankful I am for your blog. It takes me on trips to places I haven't been, shows me beautiful pictures of people, places and things, teaches me things I need to know (and more!!) and above all makes me laugh (too bad I sometimes have a mouthful of coffee when I do)!! Keep up the great work!!!
    Happy Thanksgiving to you and Jim!!

  8. Those are great cartoons, the flamingo is my fave.


No Awards Please! Pull up a chair and rest awhile. What's on your mind?