
Monday, October 4, 2010

Things that are ROUND

For your viewing pleasure, I perused my photos that I have taken over the last five years to find things that are ROUND. Here are just a few of the million thousand hundred of photos in my collection. Enjoy.

Rose window, church in Santa Fe
Chihuly exhibit, Phoenix Desert Botanical Garden

Khan, my daughter's cat

ceiling light, Iguana Mac's Restaurant
jet engine, Boeing museum, Seattle, Jeff (son) & brown-haired me

Sculpture at Taliesin West, Frank Lloyd Wright Home

Country Music Hall of Fame, Nashville
Save the Earth exhibit, Navy Pier, Chicago
my great nephew, Riley, 2008

half circles (split peas) in a circle
home made apple pies my sisters and I baked
apples to put in the pies

I hope you enjoyed today's lesson on things that are ROUND.


  1. LOve these! amazing ideal, all round things, brilliant!

    btw: the fith episode of Lilly posted today :)

  2. the stain glass window is very cool...and the save teh earth....

  3. That was a great all 'round post!

  4. Wonderful, fun pictures! But you forgot one of something else round - - - ME!

  5. I didn't realize round could be so fun. I don't see any wormholes though. Thanks.

    Stephen Tremp

  6. what a wonderful array of round!! all were so very nice to look at!


  7. What a great idea for a blog! I may 'steal' this idea in the future when I can't think of anything else to blog about. I've literally got 1000's of pics to choose from!

  8. Oh, what a wonderfully fun post! You have a lot of great pictures of round things! :D

  9. All brilliant photographs but the one that appealed to me the most was the moon hiding behind the leaves. That's a classic if ever I saw one. You'll have to tell me sometime how to go about having your blog copyright printed on the pics.

  10. Fun stuff, Pat! I particularly like the donuts, the smiley face & the apples!

  11. Can't wait for the blog sequel: Things that are trapezoidal.

  12. You have an eye for round. Loved the Save the Earth exhibit, and my hat's off to you and your sister for making all of those amazing pies!

  13. That picture of the cat cracked me up!

  14. Oh wow, what a great collection of round things. The Save the Earth exhibit is very cool. Awesome series Pat.


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