
Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Pillows - A whole new way to get forty winks!

Did you hear about the pillow fight that happened 20,000 feet in the air? It occurred on a Lufthansa flight from  Tel-Aviv to Frankfurt. The stewardess started passing out pillows (well, throwing them to the passengers) and they began throwing them back at her (playfully) and a pillow fight ensued. She laughingly took cover in the end. Here's a short clip.

How much more fun would it have been if they used any of these weird pillows that I found available on the internet:

Or how about this one?

Aren't these fun? Here's a photo showing more options:

They are called Chat Room pillows. I think they are cute, although I don't understand all of them. What's n00b mean?

Speaking of weird pillows, I found a whole bunch more. Like this one:

Or, if you were more of a leg man,

Weird, huh? And not to shun the ladies, here's one for us:

Missing your lover? Feel the need to cuddle? Maybe this photo will give you a better idea of what the pillow looks like:

I don't know....give me a blow up doll any halfsies for me.

Do you have an axe to grind with someone? Someone not keeping up on a promise that they made to you? This will teach them!

That's right. The old "horse's head" trick. But without the blood. Works like a charm.


  1. those are some great pillows. I think I'd love the half hug man one!

  2. I get the boob pillow;) but the horse head? what a pillow for the mob?

  3. That oughta relax the passengers!

    Love your new blog look!

  4. I love pillows! Lots of pillows!

  5. That was a fun clip to watch. It brought a little levity to the end of a tiring day! Thanks!

  6. that lap pillow is scary...
    and i dont know that i would want a pillow fight that far off the ground..ha.

  7. yes - only you. how funny! love the "noob" one. i need that for my son.

  8. LOVE the video! So funny!

    Great pillows. I like the arm for snuggling. That's a good one : )

  9. I would likely fall asleep with that 'man's arm' pillow, then wake up in the middle of the night and scare myself into a heart attack over the mysterious arm wrapped around my neck because I'd forget I had it!

  10. Great video clip... what fun. I can't see that sort of thing happening on British Airways. Still trying to determine which pillow I'd prefer...

  11. These are awesome. And, the best thing about the arm one is that you get the snuggle, but the bottom half of the man doesn't take his half of the bed down the middle!

  12. I'll take a couple of those pillows!!

  13. Great pillows! It's really hard to pick my favourite! LOL!

    B xx

  14. That is some really weird stuff huh?! Pat, Thanks For coming by A Camp Host Housewife's Meanderings and leaving a comment. I appreciate your support!

  15. They are hysterical! I am surprised that they didnt land the plane and then arrest everyone!

  16. Duh! Blogger just ate my comment!
    Anyway - I love the chat pillows and if I was still in a dorm I'd want them all and if I was still in college I guess I'd know what they meant. :)
    The others - WHO buys these things!

  17. That arm pillow would probably scare me in the middle of the night. I'd be all, "Who the crap is in my room with me?"

  18. Fun clip, fun post, and thanks for the laugh as usual. You made my day!

    Hey, I like your new look! What a beautiful header picture!

  19. The airlines pillow fight looks like fun, why can't I get on those kind of flights?

    Love all of the different pillows but I'm not sure if I would want to sleep next to the horse's head.


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