
Friday, June 25, 2010

Weekend Reflections - Sky Blue Waters

This is the beautiful Columbia River in Washington State. The photo was shot out of the passenger window while my husband was driving 55 mph over the bridge! I thought it came out pretty good, considering!

For more weekend reflections, visit James here.


  1. very beautiful. what part of washington?

  2. I love this reflection, and you can see for miles.
    Happy Weekend.
    ☼ Sunny

  3. That photo came out great. Never would know it was taken at highway speeds.

    Teresa - The Columbia river forms Washington's south boundary on the west half.

  4. That's lovely! If I'd taken it you'd only see a blur . . .

  5. It sure is beautiful! The cloud reflections are amazing!

  6. Ah, my part of the world! And what a terrific capture this is! Love the reflections in the still water and that river does look as though it goes on forever! Hope you have a lovely weekend, Pat!


  7. Love these reflections!
    Such a relaxing feeling after looking at this :)
    Happy Friday!
    ~B xx

  8. Nice shot! Better than the ones I took when I was there...must be you have a better camera, or my husband was driving faster! lol

  9. Hello Pat!
    Amazing picture!I've enlarged it and it's breathtaking, great work with your camera!
    Happy weekend
    Luna - We love Luna and mommy Léia (Bonjour Luxembourg)

  10. Beautiful reflections! Love this.
    Great capture Pat.
    Happy weekend.

    " Regina "

  11. "Pretty good"?! you mean: its absolutely wonderful!

  12. This is a perfect reflection! you can turn the photo upside down and hardly see any difference! Thanks for your visit!

  13. That is a beautiful sight and reflection photo. I too like making pictures while my husband is driving

  14. Pat, that's very pretty -- you really do good driveby shooting -- we lived in Eugene OR for years and had family in Clarkston WA -- I've seen that River View a million times, but never get tired of it. (Well, I used to but now that we're not there, I appreciate it more.)

    Guess I'm missing the Western states right now --- I posted a flashback about California

  15. that is amazing....looks like you could just walk across and touch the sky

  16. Those clouds in the water are great! Your profile bit is hilarious!

  17. I was smiling at the comment you left on my drive by reflection about you being the Queen of drive by shots and you had to go and prove it!
    It's lovely Pat. Breathtaking view!
    You must have a steady hand or have learned how to compensate for the movement of the RV.

  18. Beautiful! I haven't been up to Washington in some time. This makes me want to go.

  19. One great photo. Enjoyed many of your other posts. Love your since of humor.

  20. Gorgeous shot Pat, this is a road I have traveled many times. I know exactly where you took this, it's usually foggy or raining when I see it.

    Have a fantastic weekend,

  21. You always have the neatest reflection pictures. I need to start looking for stuff like that. Plus it makes your mind work a bit harder - - -which is supposed to keep Alzheimer's at bay a little longer - - - sure hope it works - - - don't you? . . . . . sure hope what works? . . . . . . haha - - - not funny, Lynda!

  22. Magnificent view, Pat. Makes me wish I was out there, basking in it's beauty.

  23. It's gorgeous! Beautiful sky and reflection. (I've always wanted to visit there.)

  24. marvelous shot!

    Happy weekend!

  25. You'd never know it was shot from inside a car. The only way you can tell you are moving is the blur of the guardrail. Excellent!!

  26. Hey Pat! Great drive by shot! The cloud reflection looks for beautiful!

    RYC: Unfortunately, the tour guide was also celebrating Father's Day, and nothing was posted in their website. Anyway our team leader managed an "i=phone" tour of the premises, but the speaker was not that loud at all. Hopefully we can come back.

  27. The clouds and sky are so lovely reflected in the water, You took a great photo at that speed!

  28. I think this drive by is fantastic. I'd love to see you crop the bottom just a touch though. Get rid of the window sill.

  29. Wow, gorgeous! Lots of good photo ops in Washington. I used to live out on Whidbey Island. I so miss it!

  30. That did come out pretty good for being taken while driving!


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