
Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Planes Sisters, trains, and automobiles

This past weekend I was in Wisconsin with two of my sisters. I took a train and a car to get there.

It was gloomy and overcast when Jim drove me to the train station. The train station, built in 1911, is so cute.

I got a quick picture off before I gave Jim a kiss and boarded the train!

I was lucky to get a seat to myself. There were a few other passengers, each in their own little world. Except for the two behind me. It was a mother and her child. I didn't see their faces till I exited the train, so I only heard their voices through the whole trip. The little girl sounded so cute.

They were looking out the window of the train. The little girl said, "Cow barn."

"That's right. A cow barn," said her mother.

"Cows seeping."

"Yes, they probably are. It's early. We got up early, too to catch the train."


Almost everything the mom said, the little girl replied with, "A-ha." It was so cute. The mom tried to keep her daughter occupied by pointing out bridges, trees, cows, etc. Once or twice the little girl got somewhat anxious, but the young mother kept her cool, spoke in a soft voice and avoided a situation that could have gotten out of hand. She'd distract her daughter with something else. I commend this mom on doing such a great job with her daughter. I enjoyed my train ride listening to the two of them converse. The little girl's voice reminded me of my grand daughter, Lily, and how she would sound when she starts putting words together to form sentences.

When I departed the train I told the mom what a good girl she had and asked how old her daughter was. She was only two!

I was the last one off the train and my sisters were waiting for me. Pam thought that I had missed the train! Nope. Just struggling with all my stuff!

Off we went! We stopped in Madison, WI for lunch. Afterward we hunted down a clothing store that we all liked and did a little shopping. Finally we headed to Pardeeville, stopping first at the Piggly Wiggly for some food.

We passed this Amish person on the way to the campground.

There is a small Amish community nearby. They have a store and garden center. They also sell their home baked goods at the campground on weekends.

Linda-Martha-Stewart, as I like to call my sister, has a knack for decorating and planting. Here are some of the beautiful things she has around her humble abode (trailer).

I think this is called "Crazy Pots". You buy several clay pots that have a hole in the bottom and graduate in size. You also need a piece of rebar. Fill each pot with dirt and a plant. Pound the rebar pole in the ground. "Thread" the pots on the bar, largest on the bottom, tipping the pots every other way.

Doesn't this look inviting? Is this like a page right out of Martha Stewart Living or what?

Even a spot for the wee ones

At night we sit around just staring at the fire,or roast wieners or marshmallows, whatever we wish.

To be continued.....


  1. I love this post - - - from the start of the journey to the arrival at the home of beloved family. You can tell that home is a place the family enjoys. You have portrayed it as a very happy place with the items you have shown.
    - - - and good for you giving the compliment to the mom! I, too, think people should be commended for doing good.

  2. This is such a sweet post, from the little girl and mom, to seeing your sisters....lovely..

    cant wait to hear more ;)

  3. what a cool trip...i would love to travel by train...a neat little girl you met...and i am sure you are having fun with sis...

  4. Wow...What a wonderful trip! I'd LOVE to ride a train!!

  5. What fun! Train rides and roasted is good!
    ☼ Sunny

  6. I'm always so jealous of your travels! I've never been on a train before.

  7. I am always in awe of those mothers that are so sweet and patient with their children. Little children just flourish under those conditions.

    I love the pots staggered!

  8. What a wonderful trip, I love trains for some reason!
    Big hugs!
    B xx

  9. Sounds like you are having a wonderful time. Enjoy.

  10. Sounds like you had such a good time! Looks so inviting at your sister's place........ and I am stealing the rebar/flower pot idea!


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