
Saturday, May 29, 2010

Antiquing with my sisters

Last Sunday morning, my sisters and I decided to go antiquing. First stop - The Big Chicken.

Cute idea if you have an old wheel barrel just sitting around.

Although some things were stored on shelves, it was kind of messy inside, with a hodge-podge of things everywhere.

I've really been into roosters and chickens lately and hope my "someday" kitchen will be filled with them. Although I didn't purchase any of these, I have a feeling I won't have a problem finding any when I want them!

I absolutely fell in LOVE with this print. I regret not buying right there on the spot. But I see it's available online from other places - without the frame.

This baby toy spoke to me for some reason....don't know if I had one as a child OR if MY kids had one when THEY were little. (I have an awful memory!)

Look at this oldie, but goodie!

We left The Big Chicken and moved on to the next place. There was an Antique Mall located on the outskirts of town. Sitting outside next to their building were these beauties.

The humidity was extremely high, and the temperature was in the high 80's, so when we entered the air conditioned building and that cold air hit us in the face, I'll tell YOU that I was happy!

The "mall" was set up with little sections, each rented by individuals who sell their items on consignment. What a difference from the first place! Paintings hung on the brightly colored walls. One room was set up like a country kitchen, with pots, pans and utensils hanging off the walls. All items were displayed so nicely. You could see each and every one. I didn't even make it to the basement; I was so busy taking pictures and stopping and looking at so many items. Here are some that caught my eyes.

This was the red/white/blue display. Those are tiny baby shoes.

This is a huge vintage dough bowl, I suppose that was used to let the dough rise. I don't know if this is Amish or not. That is not a hole at the bottom, but part of the bowl. It looks deceiving, like it is the table underneath.

Wooden spools in a row.

Okay, does this mean that I am old when I say that I first learned to type on a manual typewriter like this? Shut.Up.

I thought that these were shoe stretchers. WRONG! My husband, Mr. Wikipedia, said these are called "lasts" which are tools for making shoes. Huh! Who knew? They just caught my eye. I like to take pictures of things in a row. (see photos of milk cans, spools, above!)

I got a kick out of this print. This looks Rockwellish, but I don't know if it is or not. It's called, "Grandma gets a hit!"


Later in the morning our cousin drove up for a visit and to show us the latest addition to her family. Meet RLE (pronounced "Arley"). Those are her husband's initials - he died a year ago.

All together now, "Awww." RLE is part Chihuahua, Cairn Terrier, and Maltese. He is so sweet.

We had a great visit. After a good dinner of spaghetti, salad and garlic bread, we all drove into town for a little ice cream.

Isn't this a great name for an ice cream joint? "The Brain Freeze"

Look how cute it was decorated inside.

A work of art....

I had a scoop of strawberry cheesecake ice cream in a waffle cone. Delish!

We were leaving in the morning, and it had been a good weekend.

We had one thing left on our agenda: The James Taylor/Carole King concert. Stay tuned....


  1. oh i want some of that brain freeze! love going into antique shops and oddity shops...always so many treasures to look at...

  2. Ice cream looks Great! And I would Love Both of those prints! Wonderful...
    Happy weekend!

  3. I love antiques....and the puppy, OMG, that face.....and as far as the ice cream, PLEASE bring some my way ;)

    as always, a joy my friend

  4. how do you get your pictures so neatly on the page????

    on another note, i love that print, too. love the puppy - so cute and the name is perfect.

    james taylor concert! carole king!!! "i feel the earth move under my feet..." - love that song and all of them from the "album" (tapestry).

    I'll take some of that ice cream, too!

  5. Cute puppy!!
    love going to antique and second hand shops...I actually like the over-crowded takes you ages to see everything in there and when you think you've seen it all...something catches your it!!

  6. How fun to see all these! I grew up with milk cans--I have some great memories of playing around them. I think that clown was around my house too....

    I am SOOOOOO jealous of you going to the concert tonight! Please tell us about it next time!

  7. The fun continues! I would love to be with y'all.

    A hen party is just good for the soul.

  8. That print of the little girl is gorgeous.

    Can't wait to hear about the concert!

  9. I am envious! I want to go see Carole King and James Taylor ..... but the campground won't let me. Love to rummage around in junk stores, too. I always feel noble when I find a deal.

  10. What an absolutely wonderful weekend!! Those are the kind I adore! Thanks for sharing!


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