
Sunday, April 18, 2010

Seattle in the Rain

On Saturday we decided to go to downtown Seattle and visit Pike Place Market. Although it was raining, there's one thing I learned about Seattleites. Rain doesn't bother them. The only people who use umbrellas are tourists. Fact.

The Seattle Skyline with brooding clouds and raindrops on the windshield.

I saw this sculpture of an upturned umbrella and thought it was perfect for this city!

As we walked to the market, I came across these two pigeons who didn't look too happy about the weather!

Shopping in the rain.

This piano sits out on the same corner no matter what the weather. I don't know the story behind it, but it was there when we visited two years ago.

Here's a short clip of a guy playing the piano. I don't know if he's the guy playing it in the photo I took, but the video is enjoyable.

Pike Market is famous for its fresh fish. The guys working at the fish shops are famous for throwing the fish across the counter. Watch this quick video and see what I'm talking about.

Some fresh fish

This fish monger looks all innocent as he stands next to this ugly fish.

Then some cute young girls walk by, stop and stare at this fish. I'll zoom in so you can see the sign that says, "Hello, I'm a wonk fish!"

He must have a long tail that they threaded through all that ice, because as soon as those girls stopped to look at it, someone on the other side of the counter yanked that tail so fast and that fish jumped up, the girls screamed and ran. If I had a video of it, I'd win some money on America's funniest videos!

Anything you want, anything you need, is available at the market.

From Flowers

to red hot chili peppers

to fruit.

A fruit monger (is there such a person?) He has a piece of apple on a knife.

Here's a young lady playing her violin in front of the original Starbucks while the bystanders seem to ignore her.

We stopped for a little "pick-me-up" at Crepe de France. Jim and I split this delicious strawberry crepe with whip cream on top. It was delish.

Next up? Bubble Gum Alley. Here is our adorable granddaughter Lauren as she poses in front of a bubble gum dripped window with her beloved dog Buster (who I insist on calling Cuddles for some reason.)

Here's Grandma, Grandpa, Lauren, and Buster in front of billions and billions of pieces of bubble gum.

Out of all the pieces of gum stuck on the wall, Lauren spotted this fortune.

It was surrounded by this lovely pink heart.

Leaving the alley, I saw this funny poster of what I thought was Mr. Potato Head in old age. Although are those feathers sticking out of his rear end? What IS this exactly?

As we walked up the sidewalk, we saw all these posters plastered to the wall. Jim pointed out this one. I checked it out. It is an actual musical!

I like the way the railing is considered a bike rack.

We saw this horse drawn carriage as we started walking home.

I saw the driver carrying a carrot to give to the horse - I assumed! I zoomed in on the above photo. Carrot culprit!

Actually he bit the tip off and then gave the rest to his horse. What, his horse doesn't like the tips, like a kid doesn't like the crust on bread? Or was the man just hungry?

If you ever are in the Seattle, you've GOT to go to Pike Market Place. It's a fun, upbeat, eclectic place.


  1. I love is an amazing city, and you captured it perfectly;)

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. seattle is an amazing place. have visited there 203 times...the Wild Ginger is a great restaurant...and love going to pikes...

  4. Not sure I like the thought of all that bubble gum being chewed first!

  5. Thanks for the tour - never saw a bubble gum alley before! What a lovely grandaughter!!!

  6. Great tour -- almost as much fun as being there! Never can decide if I like reading about favorite places or new to us places! That's very true about the umbrellas in Seattle. portland or Eugene (where we're originally from) its the same thing! Too much trouble.

    Enjoy your grandma time!

  7. What a city. So much to see and do - even in the rain. Your Lauren is a real cutie. Love her smile. You always have the best photo tours. I really think you should get paid for this by having a segment in a travel magazine. You have a way of capturing the best pictures and narrating.

  8. I LOVE that photo in front of Starbucks! I love the coloring and the placement of people, that all those clustered on the left are in dark and denim, and the violinist is color and light. Love! What a fantastic moment you stumbled upon!

  9. I had read about that fish market but had never seen a clip of it - - even on cable TV. I agree that your granddaughter is adorable - - and you should have your photos and articles in travel magazines.
    About the bubble gum - -- it really is chewed first, isn't it? How does it keep sticking after years and years? You would think it would get brittle and break off - - - or that birds would try and eat it.
    Thanks for taking me on a mini vacation to Seattle!

  10. I think I've heard of that fish market, it's getting really famous, even across the ocean!

  11. Good job...Keep people thinking it ALWAYS rains in Seattle...cuts down on the traffic here in Nature's Paradise! :-) You were in great blogger company here Saturday, as 'The Pioneer Woman, Ree Drummond', was staying right there on the waterfront for a book-signing!

  12. One of these days I am going to visit that city! I really would love to see it!

  13. Somebody else posted about Seattle not long ago as I recall but you my friend found much better picks!
    Love seeing the bubble gum wall - I think. :)
    Heard about the fish market on one of the TV cooking shows.
    You found unique attractions to share. I enjoyed!

  14. what eye opening post,
    I would love to go there,
    have s fun Tuesday!

  15. I love reading accounts of people's journeys. If you can't get there yourself, that's the next best thing. And I've always wanted to go to Seattle so the photos are appreciated!

  16. You bring out a longing to travel in me.... But duty calls. I should be out planting and here I sit.

    What a lovely little granddaughter. My youngest daughterhas probably chewed enough gum in her life to cover a wall.

  17. So glad you had fun! I'm so jealous. Seattle is my list of places to visit! :)

  18. Welcome (back) to the great Pacific Northwest! I just stumbled across your blog and love your pictures of Seattle. I don't live IN Seattle, but I do live in the area. Seattle is a fun place. Last year we took the kids out, but didn't want to visit the usual stops (Pikes Place, etc... they are great places, but we've done them before) so we found different things to check out. Here's a link to the post I did it has links to all the places we visited in case you want to check out something different:
    OH! The Spaghetti Factory is an awesome place to eat if you're looking for something great and with great prices, too.
    Have fun, I'm loving your blog. I'm off to see if you've done anything on Montana (my home state, which I miss very much).

  19. These are all such great photos. I can't begin to express just how much I enjoy your blog!
    LOVE it! Great stuff. Bubble gum wall and the bike racks have to be my fav.

  20. Great pics! I have been to Seattle bunches of times, but never been to bubble gum alley!! I always forget...


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