
Wednesday, April 14, 2010

I love I-duh-ho!

Soooo, we've been on the road since April 5th, and can I say that I'm already getting tired of this packing up and setting up the trailer? I know, I know, this is my LIFE, get OVER it, stop WHINING. It's just that when we settle down in a place for FIVE MONTHS, and then start moving every two days, well, it's UNSETTLING. This is when confusion REALLY sets in. I wake up in a different state and time zone every couple of days. Don't expect me to know where I am. Seriously.

There is a lot to see out there on the road, I must say. One of my favorite states to say is "Idaho". Why you ask? Well, because I emphasize "I" "da" "ho". Just makes me laugh. I know. Immature, right? Yeah, well, I've NEVER admitted to being a grown up.

AnyHO, I do love the Northwestern, wide open states like Montana, Wyoming, Idaho. But I sometimes worry about the militia that is supposed to be popular in these states. Especially after I saw a bumper sticker in Idaho that read, "If you trust the Government, go ask an Indian." Well, okay then.

I liked this sign. "Honey, Idahome!"

You know you're driving slow when a semi, pulling TWO OTHER SEMIS, passes you up.

Truly a "Little House on the Prairie".

Do you think things are truly bliss in "Bliss"?

We had to cross the Blue Mountains, located in Oregon. It was a long stretch of a pass, climbing, climbing, climbing, then downhill was long and well, brake-stomping, at times. It doesn't help to see these kinds of signs on the side of the road. There were two previous signs warning of the downgrade ahead.

Dangerous curves ahead!

I love this sign. Just says "ROCKS". Okay. That's the same as saying, "Tree", or "Sky". Why not call a spade a spade and say, "WATCH OUT FOR FALLING ROCKS".

I wonder if this road was named for a reason.

And if you didn't pay attention, you'd be carried down this road in a hearse.

Seriously, where do they come up with some of these names for roads? "BLACK CAT ROAD"? Did one cross their path as they were constructing it and they thought it would be bad luck if they didn't name the road after it?

How about a little Highway Evangelism? I thought this was neat. No need to change the billboard every few months.

Good thing I read that because I felt like I was on the Highway to Heaven here with those clouds reaching down to the road.

I wonder if Hells Canyon ever freezes over?

Can you still go to "Happy Canyon" if you're in a bad mood?

Just look at this gorgeous scenery with the rolling hills.

There's rain in them thar hills!

This is a hardy biker; either that or someone who's too stupid to come out of the rain!


I'll be yours till the cow comes home.

Tomorrow we will reach our destination right outside of Seattle where we will stay for ten days. We will be visiting our son and daughter-in-law, and two grandchildren. Great times!


  1. so you found bliss, passed a black cat and ended up in hell...what a trip. smiles.

  2. Hi!
    I popped on over from "at the farm." It just so happens that I have lived in northeastern Oregon- so you were driving by all the places I am familiar with. Right after Pendleton on I-80 is Hermiston... this is where they are storing & destroying about 10% of the nations chemical weapons! yeah, i found that out AFTER i moved there. didn't stay long! I know what you mean about all the packing & unpacking~ i've essentially done that for the past 5 years for work. can be a drag, but also a great way to see the country. Sounds like lots of fun what you two are doing! If you head down south after Seattle, stop by Ashland... a cute town to hand out a few days if you haven't already been here!
    Happy & Safe travels... I'm a bit envious!

  3. that is some trip.....idaho...who knew;)

  4. So cool, I always enjoy your pictures.

    Coffin road? Yikes!

  5. Ya know Pat, I had never thought about Idaho that way before, now every time I say it ....

    I know what you mean about the packing and unpacking, we did that for awhile. Wake up in the morning trying to remember what state you are in.

    Have fun with your son, DIL and grands.

  6. I love road signs. Love your sense of humour even more! U - da - ho! :) I know it's I-da-ho, but really it U-da-ho, not Me-da-ho.

    Have a wonderful visit with your loved ones.

  7. Great post, Pat! I loved the pictures and reading your funny comments. Have a great trip!

  8. All these amazing things and it takes so little to entertain kind of gal...I da ho.

  9. LOL! I love the pictures and the names of the things. Places are so funny. We have a few strangely named places in KS, too. Like Arkansas River - only it's pronounced like "arKANSAS" here - like a pirate... Arrr...Kansas.

  10. Okay, i have 19 & 20-year old daughters, so i gotta go here:

    "I-da-ho? No, YOU-da-ho!"
    "Who you callin' a ho?!"

    Great post as always, Pat!

  11. Loved your awesome photos and your great sense of humour!
    Passed a black cat? Oh, no!
    Wish you a safe trip!
    Betty xx

  12. Holy cow, that was fantastic. The vistas, the signs, the humor, the road. I know you must be tired of that last bit, but I am ready for a road trip. My husband thinks we should do this now.

  13. When I worked for the State Revenue Department for Indiana. One of the employees was LOL. She said look at this name. Iamgirl and Iamboy. Both are real names and they were brother and sister. Funny huh.

    The pictures are awesome, what camera do you use? I need a new one.

  14. I say I DA HO the same way! Even tried to get custom license plates that said that. But the state of Idaho wasn't too happy about it, lol.

    I live on Idahome Rd! It is funny to see my road posted online by anyone by me, lol.

    I have also been to and through Bliss many many times. A real nice trip is from Buhl ID through Hagermen ID to Bliss.


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