
Saturday, March 13, 2010

Downtown Mesa

Friday was a beautiful sunny day and we went to downtown Mesa to see a new sculpture that had been put in place a week ago. This sculpture is called "God Bless America," by J. Seward Johnson.

To give you an idea exactly how large this sculpture is, here is Jim standing next to the SUITCASE.

You might recognize this sculpture. It's based on a very famous painting by Grant Wood from 1930 called, "American Gothic."

The original painting is hanging in the Chicago Institute of Art. In fact, this statue has come from Chicago, and will be in Mesa until mid-July. Then it will move to another city, as per the wishes of the sculptor - to keep the statue moving from city to city.

Just a little bit of trivia for you - the woman in the painting is the artist's sister, and the man is the artist's dentist. They never posed in front of the house, but sat separately for the artist. The house still stands in Eldon, Iowa.

On two to three blocks of downtown Mesa there are several sculptures. These are just some of my favorites.

This is a cool one. Called "They are Waiting." Not sure what they are waiting for. The bus? Life to pass them by? What?

Whatever it was they were waiting for, I decided to join them. But then I got tired of waiting.

This is called "Flowering Stiletto." Needs no explanation.

This one is "The Big Pink Chair." Original, I know. Doesn't it look comfy?

It's not. It's made out of cement. I may LOOK comfortable, but I had a heck of a time getting up there. I almost fell flat on my @$$.

Two adorable horses....

This sculpture of a little girl, called "Booked for a day" is so realistic that you have to look twice to realize that she's a statue. Here's the side view:

and the front view:

Some yellow flowers blooming under a palo verde tree. No - the colors are not "off" on this photo - yes the tree is indeed "green".

Here is a photo of the tiny, tiny leaves of the palo verde tree.

I thought the shadow of the branches from this tree looked so beautiful on the stone sidewalk. Because the leaves are so small, the branches look bare.

Sometimes the trunk of the tree and its branches grow in such odd shapes with curves that go up or down and around. I liked the way this tree looked with its curvy branches.

This is the Mesa Arts Center. I love this big, sail-looking structure above the two buildings.

The grounds surrounding the Center are so beautiful with water fountains, benches, and wonderful landscaping.

Every Thursday they have a free concert outside. On this particular date we went and listened to an Irish band.

And finally, I leave you with some photos of flowers that are blooming around the outdoor pool here at the park.

The air is filled with a heavy, sweet scent from all the grapefruit and orange blossoms on the trees in the park. I wish I could bottle it up and send it out to all of you.


  1. The bloom on the petals of that purple pansy is a work of art all on its own...

  2. wonderful beauty you bring to us the "waiting"

  3. now that is a big daughter could use that the high heeled shoe too...pretty flowers...

  4. You are one lucky lady, to be able to enjoy this art, this place, this time.

    Thanks for taking me with you, I, too, enjoyed the visit.

  5. wonderful art, of coarse I loved the shoe,lol.

    the flowers make me want spring here in michigan;)

  6. Wonderful photo tour. I'm not too sure about that "waiting" sculpture. Looks more like 3 sumo wrestlers.

  7. What a beautiful city! I love the sculptures - - - but am not crazy about the 3 big guys. They may be waiting for some energy but it looks like they just need exercise.

  8. I really enjoyed the sculptures, Pat. The palo verde tree looks like our honey locust, thorns and all, though the leaves aren't as small. Loved the pansies too, I want to plant some soon!

  9. well it looks as though you and Jim had fun.

    Those statues look cool.

  10. The sculptures are fabelous. Love the one with the little girl, it looks real pretty, thats for the one "They are Waiting", they look so browned off, somebody must have let them down. Great there was a chair there for you to get a little rest, I am wondering if your tried on the shoe and perhaps you had a ride on the horses. In all I'd say you both had a lovely day.

  11. Pat, I love your photos, especially the flowers.
    I can almost feel the velvety texture of those petals!:)
    And... you've been tagged!!
    Please visit me!
    B xx

  12. Love all the sculptures, the shoe is my favorite. The palo verde tree is very interesting with its green trunk and curvy branches, it reminds me a little of our sycamores. Mesa is a gorgeous city.

  13. absolutely stunning! those are some beautiful photographs and some great statues.

    you have once again created an awesome picture story.


No Awards Please! Pull up a chair and rest awhile. What's on your mind?