
Friday, December 4, 2009

Building Reflections (Weekend Reflections #11)

This is the first time I'm jumping in on this meme. It's called Weekend Reflections and it's sponsored by James at Newtown Area Photo. The idea is to submit a photo that shows any kind of reflection.

My photo is of a building reflected into another building in Dallas, TX. Where does one building end and another start?

Click on the link above to see more reflections!


  1. The cool thing about this reflection is that it looks like a continuation. I guess that to be the skill of the photographer in stepping around until you had just the shot required.

    Such good work and I like it.

  2. Sorry, wanted to say something about your lower post about pronounciation. Down here in Australia we are similar to the Canadians, being also in the English tradition. We say ZED rather thAN ZEE. However, we pronounce the word ZEB-RA rather than ZED-BRA or even ZEE-BRA. That was an interesting post to read.

  3. As Julie said,
    the reflection looks like a continuation. Very COOL! :)
    Great shot!

  4. Good question and a nice intro photo. Highly reflective glass is like the mirrored sunglasses on a State Trooper. Who's behind the mask? Buildings that choose to reflect their surroundings are often borrowing instead of creating their own identity.

  5. Ok, there is no other way to say this . . . That picture is SO bad ass!!!

  6. Hi Pat,
    I've been home a couple of days. So glad you stopped by. I've spent a little time catching up here.
    Loved the story about your twin and I like the new blond look.
    Nice reflection!

  7. Great reflection but you also managed to get the windows framed just right through the traffic light frame. Excellent!

  8. Your are so clever to capture this picture. It certainly looks like a continuation, what a perfect illusion. Its almost magical.

  9. Great photo, Pat!!! You must have spent some time positioning yourself just right to get such an amazing reflection!!

  10. what a cool shot! great capture pat!

  11. Good shot! In a reflective mood myself, though not exactly the same kind.

  12. Such a great picture! Good job. There used to be, and still might be, a website called the mirror project. ANd it was basically all pictures of reflections. Keep a keen eye out!

  13. Neat reflections - it looks like the building is complete. You have a great eye.

    ... "I see beauty in old and weathered"

  14. Great work!
    I loved the reflections and the sunny day there!I'm so envious because here I miss the sun!It's raining a lot weeks and weeks!
    purrs and love
    Luna - WE LOVE LUNA

  15. Excellent reflection!
    Your new format and banner look great.
    Sunny :)

  16. Great photo. I would like to see one of those buildings in person.

  17. Nice photo. I love when I see things like that. And then the sun moves and it's gone 2 minutes later.

  18. wow that is great, but when did you have time to take that if you are playing sky blocks? hehe

    I have a Prrrrfect Blog Award waiting for you on my blog!


  19. the reflection creates an optical illusion - excellent.

  20. Really great shot! Perfect capture, isn't this a fun meme? Kathy

  21. And the "building" goes on... Really great reflection. I'm sure it took you some time to get this just right.

  22. It almost looks like you are looking at the building through the windows of the other one!

  23. Fantastic shot Pat, the reflection seems to be a continuation of the building. Great capture.

  24. What a great job photographically and editing, it does look like one continuous building, great reflection!


No Awards Please! Pull up a chair and rest awhile. What's on your mind?