

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Watery Wednesday

We were staying in an RV park in Carlsbad, NM last year and visited this beautiful park along the Lower Tonsill Lake. These ducks or geese, I don't know exactly which they are, were swimming around all over. I can not identify them. Does anyone know what kind of water fowl they are?

For more Watery Wednesday photos click here.


Abatevintage said...

I love the swan and the pictures. Wonderful post of the water.

*®*´¯`•.¸¸.♫• Happy Holidays ♫•.¸¸.•´¯`*®*
(¸.•´ (¸.+´♥♥¸.+´
(¸.•´ (¸.+´♥ Heidi ♥)

HappyK said...

Beautiful photos of the ducks. Sorry I don't know what kind they are either.
The water looks like glass.
I've been reading a bit of your blog. Sounds like a nice life riding around in your RV!!
I'll be back to read more.

Anonymous said...

i don't know for sure, but i'm thinking swans. i don't think ducks have those bubble things on their bills.

great picture!

Meeko Fabulous said...

Gorgeous shots! I think they're swans too. I like the bird in the picture by itself. It's neat looking. :)

Lee said...

Did you ever get that award I left you on Sunday?? Can't remember that far back....

storyteller said...

They looks like swans to me. Beautiful photographs! Love the reflection in the second ;-)

I'm celebrating my 1st Blogoversary at Happily Retired Gal and sharing photos of Molly at Dog Beach at Small Reflections. Happy Thanksgiving ;-)
Hugs and blessings,

Geekxx said...

They are ordinary domestic geese (

Lindy said...

They look like geese to me. Nice reflections and gorgeous blue water.

Happy AZ thanksgiving. Sounds like it will be a beautiful day there. :D

Betty Manousos said...

Just awesome pics Pat.
Happy Holiday!
missed you!
hugs hugs

Maria Berg said...

Geese - we have them here around.

Traveling around like you do - lots of fun and many things to see, I have to think about to do that one day to but fist all my kids ned to grow up.


Chie Wilks said...

amazing watery shots...this body of water is something that ducks would enjoy

thanks for visiting mine

eileeninmd said...

Cute shots of the geese.

A New England Life said...

Happy Watery Wednesday! ; )

Aren't they a lovely couple. Beautiful against the blue water. I'm sure he's watching over her like a hawk too! She does look Swan like, but as others have said they are Geese.

Look at that 5th wheeler of yours! And a honkin truck is right! Girl that's the way to travel! Love it!

Allen said...

At first glance I would say they are ducks, but I also think they are geese. But I dont know.

Hows the game going?

Mike said...

Great pictures! I have no idea what they are!

Gail said...

beautiful...Happy Thanksgiving.

Bonnie Zieman, M.Ed. said...

Very regal water fowl. Happy Thanksgiving dear Pat.

RA said...

Wow, beautiful nature shots! I love to see the color of the water, and these fellows seem to enjoy it. Have a wonderful week and holiday, Pat.

Mom said...

Swan picture is so nice, I like it. Good shots though.
Happy Thanks giving to all.

Silver said...

i wish i do.. they are absolutely gorgeous!


Straitjackets are Slimming said...

No idea, but these pictures are beautiful.

SquirrelQueen said...

Beautiful photos of the Chinese (domestic) geese, they look so calm on the still water.

Anonymous said...

Lovely photos!

Sunny said...

Excellent pictures, I love the reflections.
Sunny :)