
Sunday, October 4, 2009

We're not in Kansas anymore

We awoke to a heavily overcast and cool day. But Jim reassured me that it was going to be sunny and a high of 79 degrees in Santa Rosa, NM, our destination today. So I put on my capri pants and summer top, and threw on a sweatshirt for good measure.

There was a heavy fog when we hit the road.

It looked like it was going to rain, even though there wasn't any called for in the forecast.

I had to wrap a blanket around my tootsies 'cause they were cold in my sandals, but soon enough I had a hot flash and threw off the blanket and sweatshirt.

Most of the ride was boring and I found myself dozing off. It was gloomy outside and cozy in the truck. Then we listened to the Chicago Bears football game on satellite radio and that cheered me up. It was an exciting game and the Bears beat the Detroit Lions 48-24.

We breezed through KS, OK, TX, and then it seemed like we were into New Mexico in no time. The sky was blue, the sun was shining, it was gorgeous outside. We rolled down our windows and breathed in that fresh air. That is, until we came upon this feed lot. Cows as far as the eye could see. No sooner did we pass that one, then another one showed up on the opposite side of the road, and was just as large. And oh, boy, did that smell! Even after we passed it, the smell lingered!

Aren't these lovely cloud formations?

Is this what you would call a "white tornado?"

Truly a little house on the prairie.

We saw this train stopped along the tracks. It looks like it suffered a serious fire.

This is a New Mexico pasture.

There isn't much to offer driving along Route 54, so we were quite pleased to stumble upon The Annex Bar & Grill in Logan, NM. It was getting on to 2:00 and we were hungry. We walked into the darkened bar, which was quite large on the inside, very deceiving from the outside. There was memorabilia all over the place. I got a kick out of this old wagon and the cowboy and "flashy" woman on his lap. Take a look at what's in their wagon. I doubt very much that they would have been taking a 60" large screen TV out west, don't you?

We passed through the town of Tucumcari. We spent a few days there last April. The famous Route 66 passes right through the heart of the town. Route 54 intersects that route. I quick snapped a photo of this sign.

Read how Tucumcari got its name and other interesting facts, and see my photos of all the murals in that town by clicking here.

And so, everyone, on this gorgeous evening, I say buenas noches, from Santa Rosa.


  1. I do envy you, how fortunate to have the freedom to travel and take in our wonderful country.
    I love your 'white tornado'.
    Sunny :)

  2. hi -- i'm enjoying your roadtrip; I'm a good rver enjoying the funny little things as we travel and learn but I have never gotten so many good pictures of "just an ordinary day" on the road; I'm loving yours. Thanks as always for sharing.

    Safe travels!

    Sallie (FullTime-Life)

    BTW, whenever we drive past a feedlot area like that I determine that I'll become a vegetarian (for about the rest of that day, until dinnertime)

  3. You said you caught yourself dozing off. I might have missed it along the way but do you ever drive? I get so sleepy in a car and so does my Hubs so we have to switch off for little intervals.
    Love the 'white tornado' shot!
    I think the wagon was an ingenious place to put the TV juxtaposing the old and the new.
    I'm singing 'Route 66.' :)

  4. I forgot to say what a terrific shot of the moon!

  5. Great photos. You make me jealous as I sit here at my desk watching a clock. I am petty that way.

  6. I love love love a road trip, for all the things you listed. Love. Even the radio part, but I would have been sorry (though not surprised) to hear the Lions lose - well sorry for my husband's sake.

    The clouds are lovely. They have been fantastic here all summer and fall.

    I drive by a smelly cow farm every day, to and fro. Pew.

  7. what a lovely road trip and yes the white tornado looks soo different! b'fully captured

  8. I feel the need to howl at the moon! I spent the weekend putting up 'Howl-o-ween' decor!

  9. It looks like such fun to travel the country and see new places.

  10. Hey Pat...I wanted you to know I tagged you for an award.

    Love the roadtrip thus far!

  11. So unique experiences you had on this road trip.I'm enjoying reading all those things you listed. How I love that.
    Oh you picks are sooo GREAT and rare,all of them!!!

  12. I have always wanted to say that since the Wizard of Oz is one of my favorites.

  13. You are seeing so much of the country, places I would love to visit. I am having a great time on the tour.

    I love the clouds and little house on the prairie. I am also humming Route 66 right now.

  14. Wonderful shot of the moon, Pat. I liked the other pics as well but the moon, well, that was special.


No Awards Please! Pull up a chair and rest awhile. What's on your mind?