
Friday, October 23, 2009

Show Low - So Slow

Remember the other day when I watched in fascination as Jim tossed his cereal across the room? Yeah. Well, yesterday morning I made myself a nice cup of tea, sat down at our BIG computer (as opposed to the lap top I usually use) and started to read my emails. I've had a cold and cough going on three weeks now. So I take a nice big gulp of my warm, sweet tea, and a cough explodes unexpectedly out of my mouth, spewing tea EVERYWHERE. And I mean EVERYWHERE. Down my robe, on the desk, on the monitor, keyboard, mouse, printer, carpet, and computer tower. I swear to you, I never thought my mouth could hold that much liquid. SHUT UP. Luckily it didn't soak the keyboard, just a few droplets here and there. When Jim came into the room and I told him what happened, do you think his first words were, "Oh, honey, are you okay?" Yeah. I know. I'm dreaming.

He said, "Oh no! You didn't get it on the keyboard, DID YOU??"

"Only a little bit. Don't worry, it didn't get in-between the keys."

I switched over to the laptop when I was done with my emails (I do my blogging on the smaller computer). Jim came into the kitchen and asked, "Do you have something I can wipe the mouse with? It's still sticky."

I replied, "Why, honey, that's so your hand won't slip off of the mouse!"

We had two full days in Show Low. We did some research to find out things to do in this town. Turns out there isn't a whole heck of a lot. Unless you like fishing. Or skiing in the wintertime. We went to the little Show Low Museum. Thankfully it was free to get in. There was several rooms full of memorabilia of the town. I got a kick out of what must of been the original jail.

There was only one cell. C'mon, even Mayberry RFD had three cells, didn't they? When we peeked into the cell, I was surprised to see they had two FEMALE prisoners (dummies) inside. What's up with that? Actually, the top bunk's prisoner looked like just a head and a bunched up blanket. Yikes! They decapitate their prisoners? Take a close look at what's taped to the mirror. It's a "GET OUT OF JAIL FREE CARD." I wonder if it worked?

Who needs money? Just bring in the "get out of jail free card" from the Monopoly game.

Better yet, why not pay the bond with Monopoly Money?

We found this sculpture down the street from the museum.

This is the plaque that went along with it. It tells the story of how the town of Show Low got its name. It has NOTHING to do with flashing. :)

So. Now you know.

That was our big excitement yesterday. Yeah. Try to contain yourselves. Today we thought we'd just jump in the truck and go for a scenic drive. That's one thing I have to say about the area. It is VERY scenic - and not what you expect to see in Arizona. Tall Ponderosa pines EVERYWHERE. I felt like we were driving in Colorado. You judge for yourself.

On our drive, we came across Fort Apache, which was an Army Post from 1870 to 1922. In 1923 the facilities were transferred to the Bureau of Indian Affairs to open the Theodore Roosevelt Indian Boarding School. The army post was established to assist the White Mountain Apache People to remain peacefully on their lands and to prevent conflict among them and the incoming settlers in the surrounding area. Many of the soldiers quarters still remain standing; some teachers live in a few of them.

This is the First Commanding Officer's quarters.

This is another Commanding Officer's quarters.

This house was run down, and I didn't take note of who's house it was. The special attraction of it is the window in the middle of the chimney. How odd is that?

There is a small museum on the premises which we toured. Afterward we hit the road and I saw a sign for the Fort Apache cemetery. I just love old cemeteries so we followed the sign. Jim turned up a steep dirt road. He parked the truck, we both looked at each other, and got out. The road looked too treacherous for Big Blue. That's all we would need to do is get stuck in the middle of nowhere. So, we changed our minds, got back in the truck, and headed home. We had a wonderful day.

This is a volcanic "cone" out in the middle of the land.

Tomorrow we head to our final destination - Mesa, Arizona - where we plan to stay for 5 months for the winter. The weather is expected to be 88 fun loving degrees! YAHOO!

We won't truly be settled for a few days, since we are taking our trailer in for servicing on Monday. Hopefully it can be fixed in one day. Otherwise we have to stay in a hotel for the evening. That means packing our bags AND paying a higher fee for lodging than we're used to.

Have a good weekend!


  1. Never been in ShowLo, but we know a few other towns that rival it for sheer excitement ;>)).
    Hope your cough gets better soon! Jim's reaction to your spewing reminds me of the time I fell off of our boat as we were docking and Bill's first words were "did you ruin the cell phone?" (I had it in my pocket.)

    Gotta' love em though doncha?

    Sallie (FullTime-Life)

  2. Pat I love your posts. I'm playing catch up so read two that I'd missed. I do envy you your freedom to see the whole country. Five months in Arizona sounds wonderful. I laughed about the spewing of tea.
    Jumping cactus: They put cacti in pots here. I had quite a collection and remember the hooks that hook right through the skin and into the flesh. Or so it seemed whenever I had to remove them. I got rid of that one pretty quickly. Hope you have a great weekend.

  3. Hi Pat! I hope you don't have to stay in a hotel either. That would stink! Hopefully your cold is getting better too. Glad the computer is okay. My daughter spilled water in ours once so my husband put it next to the dehumidifier. Thank goodness it was okay since it was fairly new.

    I swear you show us some great scenery and odd things. Though I don't always comment I really enjoy your blog! Whats up with the window in the chimney anyway? Just crazy!

    Happy Motoring!


  4. Oh Pat, hope you get better soon.
    Loved reading your post and indulging in your pics.
    i wish i had that feedom of travelling.
    Enjoy youself.
    That's a great adventure in life.
    hugs hugs

  5. i've never heard of sho low-- which is a bit surprising -- since -- i thought i'd been everywhere.
    what an interesting sounding place. and fishing!!!
    y'all really should take up fishin. i bet you go through so many awesome fishin spots-- renowned, and some you could just stumble on that so many don't even know about. ooooh -- i'm jealous. and you don't even fish. hmmm.

    anyhow-- great pics-- and a little history lesson too.

    and sorry-- but i had to chuckle at the spewing story-- i've done it too-- i think we all have a time or two.

    hope the cough goes away!
    happy saturday!

  6. Great story, I always like hearing how places got their name.

    Wonderful photos.

    You do know how lucky you are, don't you?

  7. I've missed so much I need to catch up. I've got up my blog stuff this evening and wanted to catch up here. You've posted so much great stuff.
    I like both the log and stone houses here and that last shot with the lone tree against the sky is gorgeous!

  8. Hope you get over your cold soon. Three weeks is enough!

    Great tours you provided us with today.

    Hope all goes smoothly and quickly with getting your trailer serviced. In another day, that Santa Fe snow will be a distant memory!

  9. All of the photos are beautiful but all those pines are the best. I like all the houses at the fort but I can't figure out the window in the chimney either. I guess someone got tired of not having a view.

    Hope your cough goes away soon.

  10. Okay, so I can live vicariously through your adventures, since I have none?? Thanks for the you back!!

  11. ♥нσρє ιѕ тнє вяιgнт ѕнιиιиg ℓιgнт ωнιcн кєєρѕ dαякиєѕѕ αт тнє вαу нσρє ιѕ тнє gєитℓє cσℓd вяєєzє σи α нσт ѕυммєя dαу ♥

  12. I really like riding along. Even little towns like Show Low are part of Americana.

  13. Learning the history of the name of Show Low was pretty cool. Thanks for sharing! Great pics as usual!

  14. So you been to jail? Did you use the card? MB


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