
Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Roll out the red's Award Time!

I am so happy to announce that I have been awarded the "One Lovely Blog Award" from Betty Manousos at Cut and Dry. Thanks so much for the award. I appreciate it. Now I have to pass it on.

So, here are the rules of the "One Lovely Blog Award".

Accept the award, post it on your blog, together with the name of the person who has granted the award, and his or her blog link. Pass the award to fifteen other blogs that you have newly

Don't forget to contact the bloggers to let them know they have been chosen for this award.

A New England Life

a day in the life

going country

Kathy at Kathy's Kampground Kapers

Monda at No Telling

Dawn at Thoughts from along the broken road

Sunny at Not Ready for the Pasture

Charmaine at Travel It's Fun

Squirrel Queen at The road to here

Theresa at The Middle Side Of Life

Ruth at Synch-ro-ni-zing

Carletta at Round the Bend

Open Heart at Recovery from a Life Not Lived

Linda Pendleton at North Sister ~ South Sister

and last, but certainly not least,



This next award was given to me from Bonnie at Original Art Studio. Thanks, Bonnie!

This award is a little different. So, here are the rules:

Copy and change the answers to suit you and pass it on. It's quite tricky to use only one word answers! Once you have filled it out be sure to pass it on to 6 of your favorite bloggers. Alert them that they have been awarded! Have fun!

1. Where is your cell phone? table

2. Your hair? dyed

3. Your mother? dead

4. Your father? ditto

5. Your favorite food? Italian

6. Your dream last night? sexy!

7.Your favorite drink? Dietdrpepper

8. Your dream/goal? author

9. What room are you in? kitchen

10. Your hobby? photography

11. Your fear? water

12. Where do you want to be in 6 years? home

13. Where were you last night? Albuquerque

14. Something that you aren't? mean

15. Muffins? yum!

16. Wish list item? money

17. Where did you grow up? Illinois

18. Last thing you did? blog

19. What are you wearing? awkward

20. Your TV? off

21. Your pets? none

22. Friends? away

23. Your life? adventurous

24. Your mood? happy

25. Missing someone? always

26. Vehicle? truck

27. Something you're not wearing? underwear?

28. Your favorite store? book

29. Your favorite color? blue

30. When was the last time you laughed? today

31. Last time you cried? Sunday

32. Your best friend? hubby

33. One place that I go to over and over? Arizona

34. One person who emails me regularly? Barb

35. Favorite place to eat? Chin's

I'll now tag six bloggers who make me smile and whose blogs are totally OVER THE TOP!! Please stop by these wonderful blogs and check them out!

My OVER THE TOP bloggers are:

Otin at Wizard of Otin

For a different kind of girl

Wendy at On the front porch

Amber at Airing my dirty laundry one sock at a time

Laura at Fetch My Flying Monkeys

Richard at Boehmcke's Human Condition


This award is from f8hasit. Thank YOU!

I'm to list 5 obsessions and pass on to 5 bloggers.

1) Blogging

2) Photography

3) My DVR

4) Reading

5) Writing

Bill Guffey

Allen at Allen's Adventures

Bonnie at Original Art Studio

Gail at At the Farm, A Journey

Meeko Fabulous at The ramblings of a disgruntled secretary -

And finally, I received this Splish Splash Award from Rae at Weather Vane. I'm embarrassed to say that she gave this to me back at the end of August. I'm finally posting it now. Whew! Thanks, Rae, for thinking of me. You're the greatest! This award is given based on mermaid lore qualities to alluring, amusing, bewitching, impressive, and inspiring blogs. I am to pass the award on to nine other blogs that I feel possess the qualities listed above. But, you know what folks? I've plumb run out of bloggers. AND - this is hard work. I see why some of you are not accepting any more awards. I've been working on this post for 4 hours now and I'm still not done. True, I procrastinated and decided to put all the awards on one post.

So don't hate me that I'm not following the rules. Let's do this. If you think your blog has any of the qualities listed above, by all means, I bequeath this award to you. Yes I do. Take it. Mwah. Mwah. (both cheeks, don't 'cha know.)

What I have learned from all these awards:

a) People like me - they REALLY like me!

b) It's hard to walk around with this crown on my head from all the awards.

c) My hand is getting tired from waving like Miss America Universe. AND

d) My mouth and teeth are dry from all this smiling. I forgot the trick of putting vaseline on my teeth like the beauty contestants. It's true!


  1. wow thanks for the award. Now that I have a little bit more time. I will return the favor.

    Thanks again!

  2. Congrats on your awards!

    And of course people like you. You rock!

    Thank you for passing an award onto me :)

  3. You're an award magnet! Thanks so much for nominating me for an award. You're the bomb, gal.

  4. Ahhh, shucks! I just don't know what to say...well my Mom always taught me to say thanks so I guess that will do it for tonight! Thanks for sharing with me!

    Love you list of quick answers.

  5. Thanks for the award, Pat.

    Congratulations on yours.

  6. Congrats on all the awards and thanks for sharing. I love all your answers.
    You have a fantastic blog Pat, you brighten my day every time I visit.

  7. WOW! Those are impressive awards.I thank you very much for thinking of me and awarding me such a lovely award.Reminds me of all the awards I got but kept putting off for later.....guess I'll go put up mine,your right,this is HARD WORK Pat.Have a fun day.

  8. Hello Pat, glad to be here. Wow, it's a great award. Congrats, thanks for your visit.

    Blessings to you!

  9. Congratulations on all those awards, Pat. You are very entertaining, I love coming here.

    Thank you for the "One Lovely Blog Award"!

  10. Congats on all of your awards.!!!
    You do deserve them.
    hugs hugs

  11. Why, thank you. Of course, I, being the rebel I am, NEVER pass on awards. I also kick puppies and am mean to old ladies.

    But I appreciate your thinking of me, anyway.

  12. My goodness Pat, with all these awards you truly are the Queen of the Blogosphere. I bow to you!

    Thank you so much for thinking of me - much appreciated - but as you have discovered there is a big price to pay for such popularity! That's why I reluctantly decided to not accept any more awards. But I sure do appreciate the thought!! ((((Hugs))))

  13. Congratulations on all your awards and thank you for passing one on to me.
    I am really behind with posting my awards so I will catch up very soon.
    Thanks again.
    Sunny :)

  14. Thanks Pat for the award!

    This is like when someone sends you home with leftovers from dinner and you return the tupperware filled with goodies!


  15. You did that with style and grace! Congrtas on your awards, and I look forward to visiting new bloggers.

  16. Wow! You're seriously awarded up! Thanks for thinking me over the top! Also, it warms my book selling heart that a book store is your favorite store!

  17. Thank you Soooo much for the award! What a pleasant surprise, as I've been missing from my blog just a little as of late!

    You deserve all the awards you received!


  18. Thank you SO much!!!!!!! :) I Promise I will get to it as soon as possible! Most likely over the weekend. :)

  19. Congrats on all your awards. You certainly deserve them.

  20. Well, thank you very much. Is there also a cash prize with it? You know, like that Nobel Prize thingie?

  21. Thank you Pat - awfully sweet of you!
    I'm late getting here but I do appreciate your kind thoughts of me.
    Congrats to you!
    I've scrolled through all the balloon posts - amazing sights!


No Awards Please! Pull up a chair and rest awhile. What's on your mind?