
Saturday, October 17, 2009

The Brenda Photo Challenge

Boardwalk along the Mississippi River in Vidalia, LA

This week's Brenda Photo Challenge, as suggested by Squirrel Queen (Judy) of The Road to Here is Highways and Byways. They can by roads, highways, paths, anything that can take you somewhere.

I perused my photos, and found so many different kinds. I hope you enjoy them!

This is a tri-level ramp in Albuquerque, NM. Arizona also has these huge cloverleafs. These are the only two states that I have seen the three levels of traffic. Both Arizona and New Mexico decorate their overpasses and bridges, so they are not an eyesore!

From a busy highway, we go to a dirt road. I took this on our way from Santa Fe, NM to Holbrook, AZ, so I'm not sure which state it is in.

We have driven on parts of Route 66 throughout our travels, but I've never actually just taken a photo of the road itself. Here is a mural of Route 66 that we found in Tucumcari, NM.

How about a path used by the mules to go down to the bottom of the Grand Canyon? We happened to be around when these mules and two rangers were making their way back from getting supplies. I don't think I could ride a mule all the way down the canyon!

This is a beautiful view of a walking path through the Boyce Thompson Arboretum in Arizona.

This photo was taken at the visitor's center overlooking Monument Valley on the border of Utah and Arizona. You can see how flat the land is, except for these huge rock formations. Look at the long, winding dirt road that you can drive around the monuments.

This is just one of three tunnels in Zion National Park. We had to pay to drive through one of the tunnels because of the size of our truck - even though we assured them that it was the same size as a regular truck/car. They charged us $10, stopped traffic both ways, and we had the whole tunnel to ourselves. It was quite dark in there, even with our lights on. Jim was worried our mongo side mirrors would hit the side of the tunnel. I said, "Hey, we're paying for it. Ride the center line, baby!"

This is the Natchez Trace, a 440-mile National Park, which runs from Natchez, Mississippi to Nashville, Tennessee. It runs alongside the original Natchez Trace, a worn-out path that originally started from animals walking up to Nashville for the salt licks. Later it was used by Indians, then soldiers from the Civil War. You can read all about our journey here. That's just the first day, then I have a post for each day and what we saw on the trip.

We visited the R. W. Norton Art Gallery in Shreveport, LA. It has beautiful painting and sculptures inside, and a wonderful sculpture garden outside with a pond that you can sit by. We had a chance to quickly walk the path outside, and as soon as we finished there was a downpour like you wouldn't believe!

This is a path in the Petrified Forest in Arizona. Isn't it inviting?

That's just SOME of the highways and by-ways we have traveled both by truck or foot.


  1. Absolutely wonderful pictures and descriptions on each location! Love them all! I have seen some of those places, and wished I had remembered to feature some other photos of mine!

    You are a true road warrior and seeing some spectacular scenery in this great USA!

  2. I think you covered almost any kind of byway!
    I really liked them all; but I LOVE the tunnel.

  3. Wow.
    I love them!
    I particularly like the last image of the walkway for the petrified forest.
    THANKS for sharing them!!!

  4. Pat: What a great array of shots. I really love the tri-level one with the turquoise trim. I enlarged it and it is fabulous! Great work.

  5. Hi Pat!

    Photos are fantastic!! I love them especially the dirt road and the mule trails. I just don't know why I prefer taking dirt road rather than those multi layered highways LOL.

    Thanks for the visit Pat!

  6. Wow, as I looked at each photo I kept saying to myself this is my favorite, then the next one became my favorite. I love each and every one.

    The tunnel, I think it would be worth ten dollars to have it all to yourself. A great series of photos Pat, perfect for the challenge. Thanks for taking part,

  7. wow..very interesting..hv a nice weekend..

  8. SUch wonderful pictures of a beautiful country. Thank you for visiting

  9. So many interesting roads, Pat.the pictures also, they made me want to explore. I loved ones of the sculpture garden and the petrified forest.

  10. OH wow, your photos are gorgeous -clear and vibrant! You are so fortunate to have seen so many wonderful places!

    I can't remember seeing you in the Brenda Photo Challenge! Glad that I chanced upon your blog!

  11. It's pretty amazing that you have all those pathways and roads in pictures, wow. I'm impressed. I wouldn't know how to begin to find mine in my photo files.

  12. Pat, what an amazing experience you and your husband are sharing! I love the colors in those first pictures. The dessert landscapes, although not very colorful, are beautiful as well. I've never been to that part of the country and it's interesting to see how different things look. It's easy to forget sometimes how big this country really is. Enjoy! ~Jeanne

  13. I cannot believe that little bitty tunnel you drove through, that looks scary. =o)

    Looks like you have done some traveling. I am so Jealous! One of these days I will get to see the country. =o)

  14. Stunning with such variety! It must be wonderful to have seen all these beautiful places.

  15. Wow! I love all of your photos! I think I have seen a few of the New Mexico scenes before, but didn't take pics.
    I enjoyed looking at all of your travels and stories on your blog. It sounds like you have lots of fun seeing and participating in so much!

  16. those are great photos! i've been to some of those places. i used to travel a lot-- actually it was 'moving'.. but traveling sounds a little better.

    good shots.

    neat blog too-- i'll be back.

    happy sunday

    thanks for stoppin by my place :))

  17. Pat,WOW! I love them all,the mules on the canyon road is my fav.Sorry it took a while to get I wasn't travelling on a mule.Just busssy.

  18. You go to such cool places and take some great photos and it's like you're rubbing our faces in it. Which is a quality in a person I can admire.

  19. Wow, I think you highways and bi-ways are the best yet! I think it's awesome that you're able to travel to see this great country of ours. Love the pictures! Thanks for joining us!

  20. i remembered-- and it only took me a week :)) almost--
    'the big EYE--
    in albuquerque!

    omg-- i lived there as they were building that thing-- it was awful-- the driving around there i mean. they did a great job-- but it took like 3 years to finish it. ugh.
    we only lived there for a year of it-- i can't imagine the folks who had to endure the entire construction H--L of it all.

    happy saturday!


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