
Saturday, July 4, 2009

Canadian/American Dictionary

Each winter we head to Mesa, Arizona, to bask in the warm sunshine and think of our poor relatives "up nort der" in the freezing cold and blowing snow. We usually stay in Arizona for at least four months, and this coming winter will be our 5th year of heading down south. We met a great group of people down there (none of whom are from Arizona), who have become our family during the winter months. The majority of the group hail from the great country north of us - Canada. We are the "token Americans" in the crowd, as a matter of fact! And although our countries touch, and our language is the same (except for Quebec), cultural differences pop up all the time. I especially like when our Canadian friends use a word that I am not familiar with - I clap my hands and exclaim that I will add it to my Canadian/American dictionary.

Last year, my friend Pat said that she wanted to make some "bunwiches" for the drive down.

"Bunwiches?" I asked. "What are those?"

"Why, they're sandwiches made on a bun," she replied with a tone like, DUH!

I LOVE IT! BUNWICHES!! Isn't that cute? And guess what? When you surf the net with the word "bunwhich" typed in google, a whole plethora of sites pop up. Who knew??

I found this on I haven't tried the recipe, but it sounds good:


Toasted sandwiches of melted Swiss cheese and ham with a sweet onion and mustard spread make for tasty lunches to go. They can be made ahead and frozen, then tossed into a backpack or brown bag to thaw for lunch.


• 1/2 cup butter or margarine, softened
• 2 tablespoons mayonnaise
• 2 tablespoons prepared mustard
• 1/4 cup chopped onion
• 2 tablespoons poppy seeds
• salt and pepper to taste
• 16 hamburger buns, split
• 16 slices Swiss cheese1 (2 pound)
• 2 lbs. fully cooked ham, sliced thinly

Cooking Instructions

1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C).
2. In a small bowl, mix together the butter or margarine, mayonnaise, mustard, onion, and poppy seeds (if using). Season with salt and pepper. Spread a thin layer of the mixture over the cut sides of the buns. Place one slice of cheese on the bottom half of each bun, and top with a few slices of ham. Wrap each sandwich individually with aluminum foil. At this point, the sandwiches could be refrigerated or frozen in a plastic bag.
3. Bake for about 8 minutes in the preheated oven, or until warm all the way through. If sandwiches are frozen, bake for 12 to 15 minutes.

The next word I learned was "bunny hug" meaning a hoodie. Dennis told me this little gem. He comes from Saskatchewan. When I searched for information on this, it said,

"Bunny Hug"

n. A hooded sweatshirt. Some bunny hugs have zippers, but most do not.

A regional variance on Hoodie, specifically Saskatchewan, Canada.
It was cold outside, so before putting on my jacket I slipped into my bunny hug.

You have to be careful, because searching for bunny hug and bunny hugger also means naughty things. Oh the things I find out by surfing the web! It's amazing!

It was a beautiful sunny day and a group of us women were gathered around the pool. The conversation somehow turned to Lorena Bobbit.

That name should be familiar to you. You know, she's the woman who cut off her husband's penis with a carving knife, then got in her car, drove along a dark highway, and flung the organ out the window. And thankfully, it was NOT like a boomerang, folks.

Anyhoo, I digress. One of the women said that if she cut off her husband's penis, she'd throw it down the "garborator".

I said, "The carburetor?"

"No", she said, "the garborator."

"What's that?" I asked.

"You know, it's in the sink."

"A garbage disposal?"

"Yeah, like an in-sink-erator."

Ah. Clear as mud now. No matter what you call it, it would not make a pretty picture! I keep flashing to that scene in the movie Fargo. Watch it here if you dare. It's pretty gross.

The last word(s) in your Canadian vocabulary lesson is "ginch/gonch". I was sitting around with the women one afternoon, and one woman talked about the things she bought on sale, one of them being "gonches" that she picked up for her husband.

"Huh?" I said.

My Canadian friends all laughed.

"You know," my friend said, "underwear. We also call them "ginches".

Again, surfing the net, I was amazed what I found. Interesting stuff..... hmmmm... Anyhoo, there's a company out there called Ginch Gonch Boxers that sells underwear designed like "underoos" for kids. Their ad says, "Re-live the fun of wearing these
fantastic fundies!"

Here's the link to their web site, if you are interested:


So I'm really looking forward to seeing my friends this winter and adding a new word to my vocabulary, eh?


  1. Ya, ya, you betcha! Speaking of names for underwear, my aunt would tell us kids to get out the tub, dry off and get our step-ins on. Feel free to use that little jewel on those Canadians!

  2. You have a great sense of humour. Read a few of your previous posts too and laughed out loud when you tried to lure your husband to bed suggesting he be Dud and you'd be Beau . . . Keep up the good work.

  3. ooooops - I meant to say, "keep up the good work, eh", being a Canadian and all . . .

  4. I have laughed all the way through this!
    I'm going to try some of these out on my peeps.
    Bunwiches really makes sense. I have never heard of a hoodie as a bunny hug and I'm curious about what else you found. I'll have to google - ha,ha.
    I'm so going to buy some of that underwear!
    It's funny Fargo was on cable tonight.
    Hope you had a great 4th!

  5. I have had a good time reading this post. I have looked through the rest of your blog and want to take time to read those posts too. You are very entertaining with your stories. I am anxious to follow your blog. Stop by and visit mine sometime.

  6. Wow. I am shocked and surprised and what I don't know. I do love a good bunwich, even if I didn't know it. This is so fun. You could fill a whole book, I bet, and wouldn't it be fun to research?


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