
Monday, November 10, 2008

On the road again!

Brrr! It was colder than a witch's boobie outside this morning. It was about 27 fun loving degrees when we were packing up. There is a cord that comes off the trailer and hooks on to the truck called the "break-away" cord. It is a safety mechanism that if ever the trailer should "break away" from the truck, the breaks on the trailer would lock up. Well, it was so cold out that Jim had to "break away" the ice from the "break away" cord. If that isn't an indication that it's time to leave for Arizona, I don't know what is!

We pulled out of the campground and I was dismayed not to see a cow in sight to say goodbye. Jim told me that they were probably moved to a shelter because of the cold weather. We passed the horse farm that I had visited a few weeks ago and I yelled out, "Goodbye Rita Mae Hall!" She was one of the beautiful horses that ate right out of my hand and didn't like it if I stopped paying attention to her to take pictures of the other horses. She'd nudge me a few times so I'd put the camera down and pet her and grab some fresh grass to feed her. All the horses had little white tags with their names on them hanging from their halters. Rita Mae was a beautiful horse with a sweet personality.

It was sunny when we left Marengo, but the further south we drove, the more overcast it became. We stopped in Lincoln, IL, for lunch. There we saw the World's Largest Covered Wagon (although when we saw it, it wasn't covered!) I got a shot of the St. Louis Arch from the truck, you can see how overcast it was.

We drove a total of 281 miles and arrived late afternoon at a small campground in Mulberry Grove, IL. There we were greeted by a miniature pincher named Rufus who didn't think he was so miniature!

The campground had many trees; from oaks to maples to osage. Osage is where hedge fruit comes from. It's not the kind of fruit that you can eat; even the animals don't like it! Some people believe that placing these fruit in your basement or wherever in your home can keep away anything from cockroaches to crickets to box elder bugs. I had a couple of them in our trailer to help with a mouse problem - that's all it did was look like we gave ET a lobotomy.

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