
Thursday, March 15, 2012

This week's photos are from the gym in our park.

Here are bicycles all in a row

and treadmills to walk fast or slow.

Exercise balls from large to small,

And different sized hand weights lined up against the wall.

My poem doesn't even compare to Gail's At the Farm!

Did you find anything interesting this week?


  1. Great photos for this meme! I particularly like the last one with the dumbbells.

  2. Some good captures there, Pat. The treadmills are neatly lined up. Wouldn't mind having a go on one.

  3. Rows and rhymes are contagious! Great job.

  4. all that potential exercise, i think i might have lost weigh looking at it...

  5. Hi Pat ~~ I am headed for our fitness center right now. It isn't a gym so we don't have as many machines but we do have the things you pictured.

    All in a row, too, and I have taken pictures for your meme. But not today as I found some OLD [fun] pictures.

  6. Looks like a nice fitness center! I could use one of those treadmills for walking on in the winter! I like the perspective on the shot of the weights!

  7. such interesting photos as usual.
    i like dreadmills as home exercise equipment.

    looks like a wonderful fitness center, love walking or running for fitness.

    wishing a lovely weekend, pat dear!


  8. Whew! I made it just in time to get in on the Linky action! Thanks for keeping it open--I am sure it was just for me! LOL

    Those pictures make me feel guilty--I need to get out in the lovely sunshine and walk my big old dog! Seems the time change has kicked my patootie and I am tired...whew!


No Awards Please! Pull up a chair and rest awhile. What's on your mind?