
Monday, December 31, 2012

Happy New Year

I didn't plan on taking such a long break from my blog between the holidays, but that's just what happened. It seemed like we had plans every single day for the last 10 days or so. I've totally ignored the whole blogosphere, so please forgive me for not visiting you, nor posting here.

I'm in the midst of taking down my Christmas decorations.

I know. It's too EARLY.

But my real tree was giving off some funky smell. Well, not so much FUNKY, per say, but just a real REAL strong pine tree smell. It was making me nauseous and giving me migraines. Have you ever heard of such a thing? I just had it. So last night I just began ripping off the ornaments and lights and within the hour the tree was stripped. We tossed it outside on our patio and that is where it is sitting at this moment. We'll have to haul it into our garage (so we won't piss anybody off on the condo board) and wait till garbage day.

I promised myself that I would give myself the day off and lie around on the couch all day, watching TV, and not even showering if I so pleased. But then reality set in and I scrubbed two bathrooms, washed six loads of clothes, made some ham with lentils soup, and made a big dent in the taking down of Christmas decorations. Now I'm tired and no wonder. It's after 9:00 pm and I'm just sitting down!

So this post that was not supposed to be a post, but in fact turned INTO a post, is written just to wish all of you the Happiest of New Years.

Are you going out to celebrate?

I prefer to snuggle on the couch and watch a good movie.

Happy New Year and see you on the other side!

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Signs - UFO'S

The aliens have landed!

For more signs, visit Lesley here.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Pat's Ponderings

So the other night I woke up with this thought in my head.

"The FDA approved the use of pig lips on human bodies."


I didn't know if it was just a random thought or left over from a dream.

It got me wondering.

Do pigs even have lips?

I Googled it.

Why, yes, yes they do.


This is what I learned. Not only do pigs have lips, but people EAT them.

You heard me.

Of course, they pickle them first. Is this something my friend Gail, At The Farm, does?

I wonder.

photo credit: dixijet
One recipe called for "taking a small bag of potato chips, and without opening it up, crushing the contents. Then open the bag, drop in a lip, close it up and shake it well to coat the lip with the chips. Open the bag, take a bite...and enjoy." (recipe from the photographer above)

*I just threw up in my  mouth a little*

I also realized that, duh, of COURSE pigs have lips! How could you "put lipstick on a pig" otherwise?

According to Wikipedia, "putting lipstick on a pig"  is a rhetorical expression, used to convey the message that making superficial or cosmetic changes is a futile attempt to disguise the true nature of a product.

(Remember Presidential hopeful Senator Obama and his comment about McCain/Palin?)

But truthfully, I don't think my "pig lips" thought was really all that deep.

I was probably just having a hankering for a DIFFERENT part of the pig.

His ribs.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Signs - Whiner Diner

This is a restaurant in Carlsbad, New Mexico. It was closed when we went by it; I would have loved to see what was on the menu! Of course, looks like we couldn't have complained if we didn't like the food!

For more fun and interesting signs, visit Lesley here.