

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Thursday's Things in a Row

I saw so many things in a row on our trip to downtown Chicago, that I have enough for two week's worth! Here we go!

While waiting for the bus, I saw all these cabs lined up.

Then we hopped on the bus and I saw these handle-grabber thingys. Yeah, so I got a couple of stares when I took the photo. Big deal.

Then we got to Navy Pier and there was just an explosion of things in a row!

These ropes where hanging from the ship that we sailed on Lake Michigan. I don't know what they were for; but I DID notice that there was no soap at the the end of the rope!

This is what I call a two-fer. Wait, no, a THREE-fer! The pots, the plants, AND the yellow umbrellas!

And finally, at the end of Navy Pier, waving proudly in the breeze, are numerous flags.

What have you found in a row this past week?


SquirrelQueen said...

Wow! You hit the jackpot Pat. I love the planters and umbrellas. I wonder what the ropes were for?

My things in a row are very silly this week!

Tina´s PicStory said...

I like the ropes and flags most :)

Brian Miller said... a row in the city...nice ropes shot...i wonder what they are for....

Gail said...

Greats rows! I love the flags.

Unknown said...

Great shots, girl!

Anonymous said...

I know, chi town is a treasure trove of things in a row ;) Did you get to the marilyn statue?

Anonymous said...

Totally awesome pictures this week!
My camera's battery died and I seem to have misplaced my charger, so I have no rows this week.


DesertHen said...

"No soap at the end of the rope"....Too Funny! =) Great shots! I love all of the rows of windows behind the cabs!

Carletta said...

My favorite is a toss up with the plants and umbrellas and the flags!
I'm singing, 'Chicago is my kind of town.' :)

Anonymous said...

Pat, Pat, Pat, I just had to see the woman who'se husband's job was to make his children cry. Math, my dad, big tears. Good times.
Nice blog btw.

Lynda said...

Hooray for Pat - - - giving us more fun in the sun - - and all in order! I like it.

Valerie said...

I'm curious about the ropes. Lovely shots, Pat, all of them. You're getting very observant.