

Friday, January 15, 2010

Raindrops keep falling on my head

For our connecting flight to Chicago, we made a quick stop in Dallas. It was raining that day. Before the plane left the gate, I gazed out the window and saw the perfect photo for weekend reflections. I quick grabbed my camera and snapped it. I think this guy pushes the plane away from the gate. Yeah. He's pretty strong.

I was happy with that photo, then enter stage left (or is it stage right, I can never get that right!) Mr. I'm-feeling-like-a-Chiquita-banana-Guy here. Yowzer! There's no missing him!

For more reflection photos, join James here.


Ebie said...

Yikes, I would not miss Mr. "Chiquito" Banana! Perfect shot Pat! I hope it is not that slippery!

Carolyn Ford said...

Rainy days create such fun opportunities to photograph reflections...they are everywhere! And, you noticed!

Maria said...

Great reflection in the puddles.

Prizler Photography said...

Yeah, the banana guy is one vibrant yellow!

Regina said...

Great reflections!

Happy weekend.

Maude Lynn said...

These are really cool!

Sistertex said...

Nice catch, Pat. Certainly the guy in the yellow banana suit is pretty hard to miss.

Carol said...

Great reflection shots, Pat. Interesting and different. That guy in yellow stands out. Nice to have the camera always ready!

Coffeedoff said...

I love puddles and the reflections in them! Great shots.

Lee said...

Great shots...even through the plane window!!

Woody said...

Nice reflections! At least Mr. Chiquita won't be squished into puree.

Deb said...

LOL he does look like a bannana...
great reflection were in my stomping grounds..

Suburban Girl said...

hee hee, banana guy is funny

Malyss said...

Funny! and great catch!
your Mr Chiquita -Banana made me smile!

Julie said...

We have been getting a BIT of rain lately so I must get myself out into it and see what there is to be found. I like this pair, especially the second one where the yellow jump suit fairly pops out of the frame.

Anonymous said...

Woth the stop for the connecting flight, Pat!

Fran Hill said...

Banana guy made me laugh! I think I might buy a costume like that for when I take a group of children out on a day trip from school. I wouldn't need to feel anxious about any of them losing me!

Barb said...

Better to look like a banana than get run over by a plane!

Anonymous said...

dang! i always forget to pull out my camera when i'm on the plane! i must remember next time so i can get some awesome pictures like you!

Brian Miller said...

i bet he never gets cramps with all that potassium. smiles.

Thérèse said...

Great shot! I read very attentively your "tea episode" x times lol... I feel sometimes the same except that I drink coffee too... whenever I feel that tea bag and water are not available twice in a row.

Anonymous said...

See what happens when you pay attention and wait. The guy in the banana suit transforms an ordinary scene into a good photograph. Nice job Pat.

SquirrelQueen said...

The first reflection is great, but when Mr. Chiquita enters it really gets colorful. Excellent capture Pat.

James said...

Cool reflection. I made a connection in Dallas yesterday and it started to rain just as our plane started going down the runway. Now I wish that the rain started earlier so I could have took some shots like these.

Anonymous said...

nice never know what will present itself :)

Serendipity said...

Great reflection. That really is a very yellow outfit!

eileeninmd said...

Wonderful puddle reflections. Very cool. I love the Chiquita banana guy.

KaHolly said...

Makes me want to go out and jump in it!

Hilda said...

With planes and all sorts of strong vehicles around, I'd rather look like a banana too. ;)

Fun post! Happy weekend!

Kat said...

These are great shots Pat. Love the second one, but gee, why didn't that guy buy a YELLOW suite?? Don't you love it when you make great catches like this almost by accident? Kathy

Carolyn said...

Good one:-)

Helena said...

Great reflections Pat! That guy in the banana suit really does catch your attention doesn't he.