For the past several days, we've passed this sign while driving: "Animals on Road" Next 3 Miles, or Next 5 miles, or whatever. My point is, it is never clarified as to what KIND of animals might be on the road. We've seen signs with pictures of cows to signify open range, signs for elk and we've all sign signs for deer crossing. We even saw a sign once with a picture that kind of looked like a horse and kind of looked like a mule, and we deducted that they were wild mules. Sure enough, not too far away from that, we saw wild mules! But to have the sign just say "animals" and not be specific made me wonder, just what EXACTLY was roaming around out there in the desert? I know there are coyotes. Jim said that there were probably mountain lions. Greaaat. Javalinas, too. It's a wonder anyone ventures out after dark!
On our way from Bisbee to Mesa we passed a few interesting places. The first one was the Pinal Air Park, a "boneyard" for civilian commercial aircraft.

The thought is that the dry desert air will prevent any corrosion in case the planes are needed for duty in the future. Most of the aircraft end up being scrapped anyway. The majority of the planes are from Northwest Airlines, but other airlines are represented, too. Click here if you want to see an aerial photo of the boneyard.
The Davis-Monthan Air Force Base nearby is the boneyard for military aircraft.
The second interesting place was the Holy Trinity Monastery and RV Park. We were driving through the small town of St. David's and spotted a huge Celtic Cross behind some trees on the left side of the road. Then we saw the sign for the Monastery. The Monastery has a beautiful garden, bird sanctuary and an art gallery. It was created as a sanctuary for both monks and sisters of the church. Also people can live there temporarily in RV's and work on the grounds of the Monastery. This isn't a regular RV Park. According to website that I found, "Not all who come here just want to stretch their legs. Those wishing to make a retreat as a single or a group retreat can make arrangements to stay in the Monastery 's very simple accommodations where simple meals are included, or in the RV park. All guests of the Monastery, single or groups are expected to participate in the tradition of monastic retreats which exercises silence, solitude, simple living, community and personal prayer. The Benedictine Rule is followed at Holy Trinity Monastery." For more information on the Holy Trinity Monastery go to
The third interesting place is Picacho Peak, which towers 1,500 feet over Interstate 10 and is located just 35 miles northwest of Tucson. Hiking, camping and picnicking are available at the state park.

I think with these three interesting places, we'll just have to plan a stay in the area to visit them.
We stopped for gas and I needed to use the restroom. In the bathroom stall butcher block paper (about 3 feet wide by 2 feet high) was taped on the wall. People (I assume women!) wrote all over it. I guess when it gets all filled up, they just replace the paper. It's like graffiti on a magic slate. Some of the messages written:
"The mountain at my back &
the ocean at my feet....
Back to California
but man it's sure
been sweet."
"Don't try to teach a pig to sing -
it annoys the pig."
Soooo, that was my enlightenment for the day.
We pulled into our home away from home, in Mesa, around 2:00 pm. It was about 77 degrees and sunny. Aaahhh

We will be parked here for four months.